Aims and Intent of the RERP


The intent of the Project is to provide high quality advice, resources and training for school staff, pupils and governors in the field of religious education in local schools and from the perspective of the Christian faith community.


Each classroom session aims not only to deliver an interactive and informative activity for the children but also provide teachers with ideas to develop or continue the topic.  Therefore it is a requirement of booking that teachers are in attendance and interact with each session.


It aims to:-

  • Support the teaching of Christianity within the RE Curriculum.

  • Deliver RE lessons on Christianity alongside teachers.

  • Lead Godly Play sessions.

  • Take assemblies or lead collective worship in schools.

  • Be involved in schools visits to Methodist churches.

  • Establish working relations ships with Headteachers, heads of RE and bodies working within Religious Education.

  • Provide INSET on Christianity and Godly Play.

  • Offer input for schools on the Curriculum units on Christianity.

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© Carol Dawson The Religious Education Resources Project